Filter Bubbles

When you search an article on google, especially on hot topics with opposing views, I can guarantee our results may not look exactly the same. Why is that? Well, through the usage of algorithms and the likes, many search engines "filter" our search depending on what we like. It gives us results that reflect our past searches, it gives us results on ideas and articles that share the same views as us. This is the great "filter bubble" of social media and search engines. It is widely used for the purpose of making the platform more appealing and also more friendly to any user using it. It is helpful in some cases but also puts a big dent on the free spread of ideas that require great insight to understand.

Filter Bubbles are like an antivirus for a computer. They keep things out and away from the system. However, just like an antivirus that is super sensitive, it can also block incoming traffic that is actually safe if it doesn't recognize it. Filter bubbles filter out material or searches that are not aligned with your views or your ideas. It keeps information out that could be important in the search simply because it was the opposite view. This leads to people receiving the same idea over and over and thus effectively shaping their idea to that mold only. Other point of views are necessary and they create an open environment where other ideas and their good points are heard. 

In the media that I have seen, the web is compared to a group of friends. Friends know what you want and know how to deliver it to you. Close friends are great to have and they do cater to our needs and wants but not every friend will have the same desires and views which is great.


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